Needle valve actuator is the use of external power needle valve opening and closing device. The purpose of using the drive is to make the operation of the valve easy and effortless? Rapid and reliable, or to achieve automatic control and remote control. The basic requirements of the valve drive are: Torque or thrust can meet the valve opening and closing needs, the stroke and torque control is accurate and reliable, the power of choice for the scene, opening and closing action in line with control requirements, the device itself is light and small. Needle valve drive device according to the output shaft movement is divided into multi-turn type? Part of the rotary and linear reciprocating 3 kinds. Multi-turn that is multi-turn rotary type, suitable for stem or stem nut need to turn multiple laps to fully open or close the valve, such as gate valve? Stop valve, the output torque value of the series is generally 40 to 10000 Nm Thrust is 20 ~ 1100 kN). Part of the rotary valve for the revolution in a circle can be fully open or close the valve, such as ball valve? Butterfly valve, the output torque of the series is generally 125 ~ 125000 Nm. Linear reciprocating applies to the valve stem only linear reciprocating motion can be fully open or close the valve, such as solenoid valve. Needle valve drive by power source can be divided into manual device? Gear transmission, pneumatic device? Electric device? Hydraulic device? Gas-liquid coupling? Electrohydraulic linkage. The most primitive and simple valve drive is the hand wheel, handle. With the needle valve of the large-scale and automated production process, a variety of needle valve drive device needs more and more. Needle valve drive in industrial automation plays an important role.