A. Gear Pumps Compared to the Roots pump revolutions, the gear pump revolutions are higher than the Roots pump revolutions. Gear pump theoretical revolution is 960r / min - 1450r / min, Roots pump theoretical revolution in 50r / min - 500r / min. B. Gear pump and Roots pump internal tooth difference One is the external gear pump, an external rotor pump. Gear pump generally adopts involute helical tooth contact arc gear; Roots oil pump uses eight-shaped rotor or plum-type rotor gear two. C. Gear pump is not easy to transport high viscosity medium, Roots pump easy to transport high viscosity medium. Gear pump than the Roots pump delivery volume larger, because the gear pump than the Roots pump revolution, gear structure is different. So under normal circumstances, Roots pumps than the gear pump medium viscosity transmission. D. gear pump delivery of impurities more difficult, Roots pump instead of gear pump delivery of impurities in the difficulties. As the gear pump structure, internal gear and Roots oil pump, Roots pump gear modulus, the gear pump gear modulus is small, so the gear pump to convey impurities in the media more difficult, and Roots pump can, Feng Ting Company Proposed delivery of high viscosity impurity media suggest that you use the Roots pump.