Pneumatic diaphragm pump common troubleshooting approach

Diaphragm pump in the operation should be no abnormal sound, the Department no running, run, drip, leakage phenomena, pressure gauges, control valve work reliably, the performance indicators to meet the specification rated capacity or to meet the production requirements. However, failures can occur due to normal wear and tear or deterioration of parts and components.    Diaphragm pump common fault causes and treatment methods:    Insufficient pressure diaphragm pump or increase the cause of the malfunction and treatment    1, pneumatic diaphragm pump pressure regulator improperly adjusted; adjust the pressure valve to the desired pressure 2, the pressure regulator valve failure; overhaul the pressure adjustment wide 3 pressure gauge spirit; repair or replace the pressure gauge    Pressure drop of diaphragm pump causes and remedies    1, fill the valve insufficient oil; repair valve 2, insufficient feed or feed valve leakage; overhaul the feed conditions and feed valve 3, the plunger seal oil leak; overhaul the seal part 4, the reservoir tank oil is too low ; Add new oil 5, the pump body leak or diaphragm damage; check the replacement gasket or diaphragm    Membrane pump failure causes and treatment methods    1, into the discharge valve bleed; repair or replace the feed valve 2, the diaphragm is damaged; replace the diaphragm 3, the speed is too slow, adjust the failure; overhaul the control device, adjust the speed.    Cause of diaphragm valve oil leakage and its treatment    Gasket, ring damaged or too loose; adjust or replace the gaskets, seals.