North maize seed safe winter storage method 1

Gao Beilin (Harbin Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center)

Guan Zhe ( Harbin Agricultural Production Material Inspection Brigade)

In recent years, there are many research data on the conditions of low-temperature freezing and damage of maize seeds. Because the materials and test methods selected by the researchers are different, the results obtained are also different. According to the research results and implementation experience, corn moisture is more than 17% susceptible to frost damage, and the germination rate rapidly declines. Therefore, from the pre-harvest start, using the cool and dry climatic conditions in autumn in the north, do a good job in the key link of drying and precipitation, and reduce the moisture to the critical moisture below freezing before the low temperature comes, so that it can safely overwinter. It is recommended that the following methods be used in actual storage:

1 station stalk stalks reduce water content

Standing stalk pelt should generally be carried out 10 to 20 days before the harvest in September and mid-September. Between the end of the seedling ripening period and the wax ripening stage, the temporal lobe of the corn ear is opened and the ear is exposed to the air, which can receive a significant precipitation effect. At present, this measure has become a commonly used method of drying corn seed in northern China. Tests showed that the pre-harvest 20 days before harvest can be 9.7% more than the control, the pre-recovery more than 8.6% of the pre-snorkeling, the pre-harvest 9-day is more precipitous 6.5%. Standing stalk stalks are particularly suitable for those combinations with long growing seasons, live stalk maturation, and slower grain dehydration. Attention should be given to choosing the right time for molting. If it is too early, the yield will be affected. If it is too late, the precipitation will not be noticeable.

2 Early harvest, sorghum drying

The viability of corn seeds formed earlier. Experiments have shown that corn seed at the end of milk-mature stage has good seed quality and is a critical period for early harvest, and wax harvesting is ideal, not only has high vitality, but also does not affect yield. The sorghum drying is done after harvesting the male parent, cutting it from about 33cm above the ground, cutting the mother's line from the ground, and tying the rods. The 2 or 4 bundles are hung together and hung on the father's ancestral pole to carry out field work. ventilation. Water should be reduced to less than 20% before corn seeds are stored.

3 corn ear ventilation storage, cryogenic storage every other year storage

There are two types of corn stored in the ear and grain, and in northern China, the pan-Tibetan method is often used. Due to the large porosity during storage of corn ear, it is easy to ventilate and dry, and it can continue to reduce seed moisture using autumn and winter festivals, while the cob has a certain protective effect on embryos, which can reduce the infection of mold and worms. Corn ear should be selected in the storage, picking out the immature, high moisture spikes to continue drying, when the seed moisture drops below 20%, can be stored in storage without having to be dumped, and has been stored until spring sowing threshing, It can also be stored in the seed bank when the seed moisture falls below 16% before entering the winter.

The ear of corn in the ventilated bin can reduce the moisture content to about 13% in the spring. If it is not used for sowing in the current year, it is best to carry out sealed storage after threshing. The method is to thresh in the early spring (from March to April), and then the natural low-temperature over-the-air breeching is done to seal the crucible and keep the seed dry and stored at a low temperature. Sealing can be done by means of glands, sleeves, etc. The insulation material is preferably expanded perlite. The thickness of the isolation layer is preferably 20-40 cm, and the integrity of the sealed thermal insulation layer is taken into consideration.

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