A stretcher, litter, or pram[1] is an apparatus used for moving patients who require medical care. A basic type (cot or litter) must be carried by two or more people. A wheeled stretcher (known as a gurney, trolley, bed or cart) is often equipped with variable height frames, wheels, tracks, or skids. In American English, a wheeled stretcher can also be referred to as a gurney.
Stretchers are primarily used in acute out-of-hospital care situations by emergency medical services (EMS), military, and search and rescue personnel. In medical forensics the right arm of a corpse is left hanging off the stretcher to let paramedics know it is not a wounded patient. They are also used to hold prisoners during lethal injections in the United States.[2]
hospital lifting bed EHA, emergency lifting bed,medical Stretcher GRH , https://www.grhcn.net
According to the Financial Times Deutschland, Bosch and Samsung SDI have differences on the future development strategy of SB LiMotiv, which may lead to the dissolution of the joint venture company.
The German Financial Times reported that the Bosch Group expects SB LiMotiv to focus on the research and development of batteries for electric vehicles, while Samsung SDI hopes that SB LiMotiv will be able to conduct research and development of consumer electronics components.
A spokesman for the Bosch Group stated that regarding the future development strategy of SB LiMotiv, Bosch has conducted discussions with Samsung SDI for more than one year, but the two parties have yet to reach an outcome.
Divergence in development strategy may lead to disintegration of the Bosch Samsung joint venture
According to foreign media, German component supplier Bosch is evaluating its joint venture with Samsung SDI, SB LiMotiv.