During the 64th meeting of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC), which began in London on October 1, the Wärtsilä AQUARIUS EC Ballast Water Treatment System (BWMS) has passed the IMO Basic Certification. The initial application for the basic certification of the AQUARIUS EC ballast water treatment system was submitted to the International Maritime Organization by the Dutch Human Environmental Transport and Inspection Agency (ILT) in September 2011 and passed the joint group of marine environmental protection science in April 2012. The expert group's ballast water working group evaluated. Obtaining the IMO Basic Certification The first step in obtaining a full IMO certification is the IMO's full type certification, which focuses on the technical fundamentals including toxicity and environmental impact. The next phase, the IMO FINAL Approval, will examine data on all aspects of the prototype test and request documentation on the ship, crew, public and environmental hazards and safety. The AQUARIUS EC ballast water treatment system is a modular ballast water treatment system. The system provides safe, flexible and economical ballast water treatment through a simple and effective secondary treatment. The first step is to filter the extracted seawater through a backwash filter (first stage), then pass the filtered seawater through a static mixer, and the disinfectant from the side steam electrolyzer (second stage) is added to the static mixer. To ensure that the treated ballast water contains up to 10 ppm of impurities. In addition to the MARINEX UV ballast water treatment system developed and sold in collaboration with Trojan Technologies in 2010, Wärtsilä's AQUARIUS EC and AQUARIUS UV ballast water treatment systems have become the Haiwei product portfolio acquired in January 2012. a part of. Plasma Products,Anti-Hbs,Safe Plasma,Safe Plasma Storage Sichuan Yuanda Shuyang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. , https://www.syimmunoglobulin.com