The Italian market regulator recently announced the launch of a survey of Volkswagen AG in Germany, citing the company’s alleged misleading Italian consumers of diesel vehicles. The Italian Competition and Markets Guarantee Bureau issued a statement on the 2nd that Volkswagen’s car sales in Italy were suspected of “unfair business practicesâ€, and the pollutants emitted by the exhaust gas exceeded the standards, but they claimed that the emissions were up to standard in advertising and other promotional materials. Misleading consumers' purchase choices. According to the statement, the brands involved in the survey included all of the brands that Volkswagen sold in Italy between 2009 and 2015, namely Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda and SEAT. Slip-On flanges or SO flanges are commonly lower in price than weld-neck flanges, and to this effect are a popular choice for our customers. It is welded both inside and out to provide suffcient strength and prevent leakage. Slip-On Pipe Flanges. As made obvious by their name, these pipe flanges slip over the pipe. They're manufactured with an inside diameter that is slightly bigger than the pipe's outside diameter. These attachments are connected to the pipe via fillet weld at the top and bottom of the flange. Slip On Plate Flanges,Slip On Flange,Class 150 Flanges,Carbon Steel Slip On Flanges Shandong Zhongnuo Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd. ,