The upcoming Qualcomm Snapdragon 835, as a high-end processor, has begun to appear in the official. The new chip, Qualcomm's design, will be manufactured using Samsung's 10-nanometer FinFET process technology. Cnc Milling Machine,Cnc Horizontal Machine,Horizontal Machining Center,Cnc Horizontal Machining Center Ningbo Yien Machinery Co., Ltd ,
FinFET devices are transistor technologies for more efficient processing power. The efficiency of the power supply allows its chips to be used in mobile devices, where users with nearly 70% of battery life are primarily concerned with the problem. 10nm is currently the most advanced semiconductor process.
Not so long ago, Samsung used 14nm technology to lead other companies, but the evolution of this process (10nm) allowed for an area efficiency based on Qualcomm chips (integrating more transistors in the same space) and reducing power consumption by 40%. .
Qualcomm and Samsung said that Xiaolong 835 is currently in production and the listed sales should be in the first half of 2017. Xiaolong 835 will become Qualcomm's new high-end "tip."